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Friday, February 24, 2006

There was a scene in Garisan Takdir on Suria tonight when the character Sakinah was crying because her love, Khalif, decided to break off their relationship due to some family matters. Sakinah's mother was beside her trying to console her. And I mean, really console.

Her mother was telling her to accept the fact that Khalif was probably just in love with her as his sister, not lover.

Sakinah : Tak mungkin, Mak! Tak mungkin! *nangis nangis*
Mother : Inaaah, sabarlah, sayang. Mungkin Khalif tu rindukan adik dia, jadi dia ingat dia sayang kan Inah, tapi sebenarnya dia rindukan adik dia. *pujuk pujuk*
Sakinah : Tidak! Inah tak akan maafkan dia selagi dia tak jelaskan pada Inah! *nangis nangis*
Mother : Inaaaah, sayang...*while stroking her daughter's hair*

I laughed out loud. I laughed because the scene wasn't funny, but it reminded me of how opposite that scene is to my mother and myself. And that makes me laughed.

Here's how I imagine my conversation with my own mother if I was crying like Sakinah.

Me : Tak mungkin, Mak! Tak mungkin! *nangis nangis tarik rambut*
MY mother : Kau dah kenapa ni? Dah gatal??? Kalau dah gatal sangat, hah, pergi kawin! Itu yang kau suka kan? Dah gatal agaknya. Nangis nangis pasal jantan semua!!!
Me : Alaaah, mak ni. Orang kan tengah sedih ni? Tengking-tengking pulak. *nangis nangis sambil tutup muka*
MY mother : Eleh! Menangis konon. Pergilah nangis jauh jauh. Apasal kau nangis kat sini?! *tonyoh kepala aku sampai senget-senget badan*

Kesian kan aku??? UuuuWaaaah!

posted by Lynn | You wanna say something?