I had lunch today with some friends that I made in the blogging world. I already met Liza (red headscarf) and Mrsbeki (blue headscarf) a few times. And today I met mylinda (my right) for the first time. She's very chatty, she. Same like Liza. Wahaha.
We continued taking pictures without her. But, when we were posing for another shot, she appeared out of nowhere. You see lah! Tak nak lepaskan peluang lah itu pompuan. Terselit pulak muka dia pat situ!
It was a lunch full of laughter. Thank you, ladies. Tak sia sia wa korban wa punya free trial slimming session to have lunch with you :p
We continued taking pictures without her. But, when we were posing for another shot, she appeared out of nowhere. You see lah! Tak nak lepaskan peluang lah itu pompuan. Terselit pulak muka dia pat situ!
We laughed so hard. The funny thing is, she very cleverly positioned her blue head to fit into the picture. Wa tak boleh tahan!!!
It was a lunch full of laughter. Thank you, ladies. Tak sia sia wa korban wa punya free trial slimming session to have lunch with you :p
posted by Lynn | You wanna say something?